
Thanks to a successful Kickstarter (THANKS EVERYONE INVOLVED!) we have pressed Mikronesia’s new album “In a River the Color of Lead” on beautiful 12″ 140g vinyl with full color artwork. It looks and sounds amazing!

You can get this limited edition pressing directly from our site, or via our bandcamp page. (Copies will be shipping around to stores as well.)

If ordered through our site, the vinyl will also ship with a Wav download code to download 16bit, 44.1kHz files of the release. If ordered through bandcamp, you’ll get free streaming through the bandcamp app as well as the digital download of your choosing.

Joo Won Park was at Fidget in Philadelphia last night to perform works from his new NOREMIXES album “Overundertone” in 8 channel surround sound. It was a great night of music, as Joo Won was also joined by composers Maurice Wright, Mark Zaki & Adam Vidiksis. Here’s a clip of Joo Won performing “Snake and Ox”.

If you haven’t picked up the release yet, head here for some links.


We are really excited to be releasing a new work from composer Daniel Potter this coming Monday, June 15th. It’s Potter’s 2nd release this year, following the ‘Modern Times’ & ‘Trident’ pieces released back in February.

‘2°C’ was written for 4 trumpets, 4 trombones and electronics derived from solely processing the recordings of the horns. ‘2°C’ continues Potter’s politically charged compositional subjects; this time taking on climate change.  The note patterns and dynamics of the piece were plotted out using the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies’ Graph of Annual Mean Temperatures which is also represented in the cover art for the release.

Decoder Magazine are premiering the work now ahead of its Monday release..  Check it out by following this link.  You can also pre-order the release on our bandcamp page now as well.