

The third installment of our NOREMIXES NORESIDENCY at The Art Dept. in Philly is Friday, April 22nd.  Mark your calendars!  This month, NOREMIXES’ own Oh! Pears and Mikronesia will be joined by Valley Exit, the new moniker of Jeff Zeigler.

The Art Dept. is a small, intimate venue, so we recommend getting advance tickets.  Doors are at 6:30pm, show is 7:00-9:00pm.  Hope to see you there.


The NOREMIXES NORESIDENCY continues at The Art Dept. in Philly on Friday, March 25th. This month will feature live performances from Beck-Fields, Attia and Ben Warfield. The kickoff event in February was a huge success; we were so thrilled with the turnout and the music that night was amazing! This month is going to be equally special.

We highly recommend getting advanced tickets for this event because The Art Dept. is an extremely small venue. Last month we were at capacity! Pre-order tickets are available on the Art Dept. website here.

Atmosphreq_Northwest Mise En Scéne_nore016_LoResArt

Philadelphia’s James Falconi returns to NOREMIXES as Atmosphreq with a sophomore release that builds upon the sonic palette of his 2015 self-titled debut. However, Northwest mise en Scéne feels less like a follow up and more like an accompaniment: the needed bookend to contain the composer’s strident soundscapes. The release is broken up by only 3 moments of silence, with each pairing of tracks evolving into opaque textures of phase shifts and disorienting rhythm throbbing.

The EP is released Friday, March 11th through all digital retailers and streaming sites, but you can preview and preorder the release direct from our Bandcamp page now and you’ll receive ‘Immutable’ instantly. Check it out below.



Our first release of 2016 is the first full-length album from Philadelphia-based producer, ghostinthehills.  The album is released February 26th.  Still Life in Grey Scale follows 2015’s Elegy EP, which set a tone for ghostinthehills’ musical direction which develops and matures on Still Life in Grey Scale.  The album weaves synthesis, found sound and piano into a tapestry of tone colors.

You can now pre-order the album on our bandcamp page.  You’ll receive the opening track, ‘Constant Stream of Information’ as well as another track ‘Submerge’ instantly.  Preview both below!

On the day of its release, NOREMIXES will be starting a 4th Friday residency at Philadelphia’s Art Dept.  ghostinthehills will celebrate with a record release party joined by Starkey and Brian McBrearty.  Tickets are available at the Art Dept. website.



Not a week has gone by that we haven’t listened to Oh! Pears’ amazing XII here at NOREMIXES headquarters. Today we’re excited to share with you the video for “II” directed & edited by Bradley Wilkinson (of DarmDarm Productions) and starring Corey Duncan, the man behind Oh! Pears.

If you haven’t picked up the release yet, head over here for a list of links. The limited edition photo booklet with WAV download is also still available.

This past month Joo Won Park recorded a new work for vibraphone & computer entitled “Hallelujah”. The piece was performed by Hunter Brown in one of Oberlin Conservatory’s beautiful halls.  He shared a video of the recording.  Check it out below.


Hyponik have posted a stream of the avroARROW Studies in Form EP (out today) as part of their First Listen series.  Head over there to check it out… then make sure you pick up this really beautiful debut NOREMIXES EP from the Montreal-based producer at your favorite store.


After a string of self releases via Bandcamp, avroARROW joins the NOREMIXES family with his first EP for the label entitled, Studies in Form. The sound of avroARROW (born Mike Jones) is difficult to define and pigeonhole, even in the world of ever-evolving micro-genres. Born in Victoria, British Columbia, but now residing in Montreal, Quebec, he crafts electronic music that is equal parts sound collage, noise and ambient. Some works pull heavily from hiphop while others could be, dare we say, vaporwave.

Studies in Form definitely leans on the more ambient side of avroARROW’s output. The EP’s textures evolve and develop like one long thought. You can now pre-order the release via our bandcamp page and you’ll receive the track, “Form 5”, instantly. Preview it below.