Starkey – The Labyrinth (nore056)
Released November 29th 2024
Starkey – The Labyrinth (nore056)
Released November 29th 2024
We are happy to announce the very first NOREMIXES release! The release comes from a producer working under a brand new moniker, Golden Ratio Syrup. Instead of boring you with background info about who Golden Ratio Syrup is, the artist has asked to remain anonymous and let the music speak for itself.
Label founder, Paul J. Geissinger (aka Starkey) had this to say about Golden Ratio Syrup. “I was sent the demo as one long mp3 file. I started listening through my laptop speakers, but after about 4 minutes had to get in the studio and listen to it on some real speakers. It’s an amazing record and perfect for the first release for NOREMIXES.”
Golden Ratio Syrup’s self-titled debut will be released on January 12th of 2015 through all digital retailers and streaming sites, as well as the NOREMIXES bandcamp page. There will also be a limited edition green vinyl 12″ available through Ninja Tune’s crowdfunding site, Beat Delete. You can order that directly HERE. (The 12″ comes with a free digital download.) There are previews of two tracks from the release as well.