RVLVR – Machine Gun Mouth
Released September 13th 2019
iTunes / Apple Music (Apple Digital Master)
RVLVR returns to NOREMIXES with a single that builds on his most recent collaborative EP with Ben O’Neill. Machine Gun Mouth is an almost all analog affair, with tracking and mixing taking place at Wyncote PA’s Kawari Sound. RVLVR provides all the overdubs on this one: drums, vocals, keyboards.
To celebrate the release, we broke our own rules and had 5 artists rework the track. Remixes were provided by Starkey, John Morrison, William Fields, Shell Money (who actually engineered the record with RVLVR) and WWAARRPPSSPPEEEEDD. You can preview the WWAARRPPSSPPEEEEDD remix below.
Shell Money is the moniker of Wyncote-based producer/engineer Zach Goldstein. Zach is well known for his engineering skills as studio manager and engineer at Kawari Sound, however, with the release of Family Tapes 89-93, his debut album, his production and songwriting is on display.
Riddled with foundsound home recordings, Family Tapes 89-93, sounds neither nostalgic or celebratory, but somehow autobiographical, …even if the childhood recordings are not. Throughout, the hiss and scratch of two familiar voices provides a foundation for Goldstein to layer synthesizers, samples, guitars and percussion. You really just need to hear it.
Preview Brand New Day below, and hear the entire album this Friday, September 29th, when it is released.